
Theme Installation

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 33 views
It’s easy to install Techex. Just follow these steps, they won’t take much of your time.

1. Download the theme zip file from your Envato account from ThemeForest.

    2. **All files & documentation **(full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file to upload when installing theme

    3. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard (Ex:

    4. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.

    5. Click on Add New and then Click on Upload Theme.

    6. Click Add New Theme, then click Upload Theme > Choose File

    7. Navigate to the .zip file on your computer, then click Install Now.

    8. When the installation is complete, click Activate. You will be redirected to the Themes page with Techex activated.

    9. Done.

    Install theme via FTP

    To manually upload your new WordPress theme, login with your credentials to your website and locate the wp-content folder in your WordPress install files. Upload the un-zipped ‘Techex’ folder into the: wp-content/themes folder.

    Once uploaded, activate the theme by heading to the “Themes” menu in the WordPress Dashboard. Locate the Techex theme and hit “Activate”.

    The theme files will be stored on your server in the wp-content/themes/ location.

    Note: When uploading your theme with the installer, please ensure you are uploading the theme .zip file, not the entire package you downloaded. In this case, you will be uploading

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